If you want them, please visit her site 'Mugengajyou'. I post her site's banner in the right-hand corner. You can find them from 'Free & Sozai' on her site. She sets some conditions on posting on your site. They are as follows.
You have to show the plate that says 'Thank you for 300000 hits Mugengajyou Sasaokakirara' next to the pictures.
You can sort and post your favorite picture. But don't add other artist's pictures or lines next to her pictures.
Don't process them for banner or something.
DO NOT distribute them!
She provides only the 7 pictures. Don't bring other pictures.
She draws various characters from Kiniro no Corda, Harukanaru Tokino nakade and stuff. They are shojo manga, though. I also like shojo manga! The male characters are cool, aren't they?
They're great! My favourite is top row, third from left.
I'm glad you like the picture! I also love the same character. He is 'Tomomori' from Harukanaru Harukanaru Tokino nakade 3.
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